Month 15 consisted of many days that left me saying, 'if I could relive this day over and over again, I totally would.' Literally--those words are in my journal multiple times. This stage has been SO fun with Anthon--be it cushion diving, playing with toys, or having him hang out with me while I work on random things around the apartment or cook.
The picture below was one of those days. We had intended to have a mommy-son date day that was meant to consist of a Wendy's lunch and the Saratoga Children's Museum....
But..... it was seniors day at Wendy's.
This meant they were playing oldies music for Anthon to rock out to, and that there were WAY too many cute old people around adoring and interacting with Anthon for us to stay a halfway reasonable amount of time....
haha, I think we were there for two hours. These two hours were full of waves, dancing, eating, watching, and just enjoying. When we were finally finished eating, I followed him around for awhile as he walked around Wendy's. He stood behind one of the windows by the entrance for about ten minutes waving goodbye and hello to those coming and leaving.
I think it's safe to say he made many a person's day that day (including mine :)
Needless to say, by the time we left, it was already time for his next nap, so we passed on the Children's Museum.
By the my hair done this month. Bangs and blond--it's like the sixth grade all over again....
haha, but really. That was my hair in sixth grade. lol. It's a fun change...and my hair didn't really get so dark until having Anthon, so, really--it almost feels more natural to have lighter hair, as ironic as that statement is
One thing I've really learned the meaning of this month, as Anthon has become more independent, is the phrase, 'seeing the world through a child's eyes'. This picture below was taken the first time I let Anthon down to walk around outside on his own. Every little noise, movement, and sight filled his little face and being with wonderment. Seeing the world outside from his height was seeing the world for the first time, and it was one of the most magical things to witness; it's a moment I'll cherish forever--one I took a mental video of.
Don't get confused by this, Anthon could have walked outside much
sooner; it had just been so cold that we hadn't been outside been
outside much. Additionally, he's
been sick, so we'd been out even less, consequently.
LOVE this next picture
A rock in each hand, a random stick we found and picked up, and pointing at an airplane.
Anthon developed the habit of, right when we get to the bottom of our apartment stairs (assuming I can even keep him in my arms that long, with him being so excited to walk...haha), bending over the little garden and selecting two rocks or wood chips to carry around with him--one for each hand.
Inspecting my cleaning job of the fridge...
Month fifteen, Anthon would often BEG us to take the cushions of the
couch. It used to be more so he could dive on the couch cushions. He
still does that sometimes, but he would actually get more excited just
to sit on the un-cushioned couch...funnily enough. I think he liked the
fact that, with a cushion removed, he could climb up from the floor
Trips to the library are no longer a,
'sit on the mat and pull out board books or play with the wire toy
thing....' Granted, he still loves the wire toy, but, this particular
trip, it was all I could do to keep up with Anthon walking through the
aisles and up to the windows.
So, SO fun :)
Wondering where his next chocolate chip is...
Anddd....his Grandpa Lyn says these next two pictures are before and after pictures for a diet program. I don't think there's a better caption for them!
Anthon's 15th month appointment:
21 lbs (12th percentile)
31'' (50th percentile)
49 cm head circumference (93rd percentile)
We had to go back later for his 15 month shots, since he was sick at the time of his initial appointment. Homeboy has shots figured out, as he started balling the SECOND we entered the exam room :( Granted, he was all smiles by the time doc came in, but that soon changed :(
Afterwards, I took him into the waiting room to get him dressed again so he could watch TV while I dressed him. He was so distressed :(
This row of curls though!! KILLS me!
This was actually the only time I've seen two distinct rows like this. But he's still got plenty of curl back there, especially after bath and before he's taken a nap or gone to bed :)
Since Anthon still has his milk allergy, yogurt is a no-go for him. One of Matthew's co-workers knows this and bought him some coconut yogurt at the store. Sweetest thing ever!
He was loving it, in case that is unclear...haha. He quickly took to dipping his banana in it.
With the warmer weather and the return of outdoor adventures, I've decided that Spring, for my soul, is like breathing again.
I've been debating whether or not I like having all four seasons. Not because we're debating moving right now, just because I have been thinking about it. I think I'd be okay with just three. Who knows, maybe I'd surprise myself and miss winter.
One thing I have been pleasantly surprised by in New York is the amount of sunshine here; I was mentally prepared for clouds--but all four seasons really do have their fair share of sun here. From what I hear, that may not be typical....but, it has been for the last year and a half or so, and for that, I am grateful! If Heavenly Father is trying to keep us here, he's starting the right way :)
Andd....a throwback picture from ages ago when my mom was here that she had on her phone. I LOVE it and this little snow-suited kiddo of ours.
Favorite Things this month included:
-CHEESE (still. If I'm trying to get him to put his bink away so we can leave his bedroom, I say the word cheese and that thing is in his crib faster than I can open the door)
- The return of wildlife (YAY spring. Anthon about died of excitement when the squirrel returned to our patio a few times)
-Eating by the window (again, for the wildlife--we'll watch the trees sway, birds fly by, and sometimes mister squirrel).
-Shooting hoops with dad (Matthew now does extreme hoops with Anthon, lifting him to have him bounce of walls, furniture, the floor, and anything else before bringing it in for the dunk. Anthon quickly learned that this spree lasts longer if he refuses to dunk the ball, which leads to additional bounces off things. Needless to say, Matthew's been getting a good workout ;)
-Shows (This mama has a massive paranoia about my kids getting addicted to electronics, so its not very often we watch. However, he'll point at the TV while grabbing our white blanket (which we always snuggle up to watch with) to see if he can persuade me.
-DANCING. (Homeboy LOVES to dance. And, if you follow me on facebook or instagram, you've seen some of his moves yourself. He can dance better now than I think I ever will.)
-WAVING GOODBYE (Oh my gosh. Whenever Matthew or I (or anyone) leaves. First we lift him up to this window
then there is some jumping involved, some waving, if you're lucky, some kiss blowing, and then he'll dive back for us to take him to the door to wave some more and watch the leaver go. It's back and forth a few times until the person drives away. This process, though I'm not sure how it began, makes goodbyes an exciting thing, rather than a traumatic one; we're very grateful for it!
-Pianos (Sitting in sacrament meeting is a thing of the past. These days, I often go into a room that has the chapel speakers in it. Anthon walks around, plays the piano, picks up random things. I follow. Sometimes, I even manage to listen to the talks playing in the background. :P Here's a picture from one Sunday Anthon loved in particular, when two little girls in our ward joined him in the hall. He was in HEAVEN.
We love this little squish of ours.