Sunday, June 29, 2014

Happy Six Months to US!

Okay people, that's right! A whopping six months have gone by since our big day. Can you believe it? I most certainly can, and I LOVE it :) When I first went to find a picture (please note the SINGULAR--picture--rather than pictureS), I planned on finding just the right one. You know, the one that would make this blog entry classy, simple, and telling. And then this happened. . . 

Really. Would YOU have been able to pick just one? 
. . . . . . 
Don't answer that. 

The point is....six months have gone by--and I am still just loving this boy to death and back. Has the first sixth months been an adjustment period? Sure :) But, I mean--look at that face. There's no one else I'd rather be adjusting with.

Happy Six Months to US :) 

P.S. Shoutout to my amazing cousin Alicia Powell for the pictures. And to my parents, for paying for them ;)

Monday, June 23, 2014

Chalk Art Festival

A Pitchforth family tradition began a few years back, when my dad, in true "checkmark" fashion, discovered another checkmark for us to do: The ChalkArt Festival. Tons of artists come and compete with chalk art. Ideally, the displays consist of a lot of 3D looking, awesome art--something like this...

Naturally, they can't all be this good (as you can tell, by other pictures in the background). Yet--you still get a few gems! Some years are better than others (in any city).  But, after my padre let us know the dates for Salt Lake, we made a trip of it. Here are a few pictures. I don't think I was as impressed with the displays here as I have been in years past, but--heck. Hand me a piece of chalk, and you'll be lucky to get a hopscotch--so, who am I to talk? :) 

We went a little early to beat the crowds, so--excuse the artists for their unfinished work. 

And a picture of our tired faces that morning, to boot :)

I love checkmarks. Especially ones we can make traditions of.

Monday, June 16, 2014

The upside of working nights

The Mister and I have both gotten temporary jobs in the last little bit to keep us busy and saving some mulah while we wait for our security clearance to go through and real life to begin. The best part, however, is that we're both working nights--which means that sunshine, hikes, and bikerides can all still be ours during the day :) Last week, we hiked Donut Falls before we each had work that afternoon/evening. The water was really high, so we didn't get to go all the way up, but it was sure fun. SO glad I married an outdoorsy man who will hike with me :)

It wasn't a hard hike by any means, but, just as we were approaching the car, I saw a log I decided I want to walk on. Matthew looked at me, said "don't do ittttt," and continued on towards the car. Well, if you know me, that's usually a perceived code for "do it, I dare you! It'll be fun" (Not because people mean for it to be...just because I am defiant)... It also didn't help that he had just hopped on the same log. Which--let's face it--how am I supposed to take that? "I can balance on this log, but you can't" --is how I took it. Not rudely, just, innocently and matter-of-factly. 

So, yes. I got on the log.

As luck would have it, it rotated, bringing up its other side, complete with randomly placed branches that managed to scratch my leg all up. ha. Matthew shook his head in a, "yepp" kind of way (while not taking on an "I told you so" persona, thankfully :)

On principle, I didn't show Matthew the scratches until about three days later. But, yes. Let's see if it scars for another good scar story. Those are my favorite. 

Sure do love that husband of mine...whether or not he loves his defiant wife (with apparently subpar balancing abilities), is still up for debate ;)

Don't worry, I'm pretty sure he does. :) 

Saturday, June 7, 2014


To give you some background on the individuals involved in this story (particularly Matthew's Grandma, I will start with a picture and story)
As a side note: I promise, Grandma Barbara was much happier than she looks in this picture to be spending time with us. haha. She wasn't, however, thrilled at the idea of taking a picture. 

For those of you who aren't aware, we are currently renting one of their houses from them while we are in the in-between stages of job and real life. But, it's given us the chance to get to know them, which has been so fun.

My favorite experience with Barbara, I think, was at a bridal shower. You know those Pinterest, cutesy game ideas you find? Well, in this particular game, you are meant to write a date for the soon-to-be couple on a popsicle stick--and it's a "bag of ideas", if you will, for them to have later.
So, what do most people write? Oh, you know--roller skating, bike riding, movie night, hiking, bowling... the generics.

I look over at Barbara, who is sitting next to me. She looks at me with a half-grin, and says, "should I put "make babies"?"

Without waiting for a response, she chuckles, grabs a pen, and writes her mentioned date suggestion.

She is one of those hilarious people that doesn't make a big fuss about how hilarious she is, and it makes her all the funnier.

I. love. her.

Alright, so--onto story numbero dos... 

I thought it was just Matthew who called these here doo-hickeys you can put on the front of cars"bras"; in fact, I thought he did it as a joke.

I have come to find, much to my surprise, that this is just what everyone calls them. Ironic, but I won't go into it as to why here...

Anyways, funny story. We are pulling in from an outing with Grandma and Grandpa, when the following conversation took place.

Matthew: Hey, did you put the bra back on the car after you washed it?

Me: No

Barbara (nonchalantly, from the front seat): That's probably best. Everybody needs a little down time every now and then.

I'm sure am going to miss that woman when we move.