Matthew put Anthon down tonight while I kept Addie company. A little while after Matthew left his room, Addie started crying. From Anthon's bedroom I hear, 'it's okay, bebe. it's okay bebe.' andddd my heart melts. Ten times over.
Today, there were multiple times where Anthon is a little rough on a toy or me and I'll tell him he needs to be soft. He'll then do whatever it is he did again, but this time softly--then look at me, and, while furrowing his brow and shaking his head 'no', say, 'bigg' (indicating he shouldn't do it big, but little/softly :)
Yesterday, as I was putting him down for his nap, he walked out the door, stood at my bedroom door, and blew kisses to Addie in her bassinet across the room before returning to finish reading stories with me. He blew her one, two, three kisses. Then, turned to me, said 'hoooooooj', and blew her an extraaa massive kiss. He then turned again to me, and said 'bigggggg' and blew a slightly smaller, but still extra big kiss.
We've been working on being happy lately. If there are tears or a whine, we ask him if he can be happy, say please, or ask nicely. Ideally, all three :) He equates asking nicely/happily with a voice roughly two octaves higher than his usual voice and hahaha. He'll be frantic and wanting something, then we say, 'how do we ask?' and he'll cock his head to the side, smile, and (in that two octaves higher than usual voice) say, "up, please" or "watch Cars, please" or "help, please".
It KILLS every time. Whatever the number limit is on a heart melting and still sustaining life, I HAVE to have exceeded it.
One of my favorites is hearing that happy, high voice, accompanied by that smile and head cock when I'm in the kitchen. Regardless of what I'm in the middle of cooking or can you just not scoop him up in the air and love every second of it? And, really, it happens at least five times a day. 'Up, please!' (cue smile and head cock).
Anywho....back to our updates.
August 17-September 17
This month was full of family. A trip to Oregon and a trip to Colorado. Apparently, I lied about the pictures, because I just looked through some of them and just can't NOT post them.
When we travel, we do it in pajamas. Especially when we travel at 5 AM, but, really...when traveling in general. <3
Someone is clearly excited about his big boy cup...
Traveling with a pregnant wife and toddler: not for the faint of heart.
haha. My husband, I'm telling you--he's the BEST. Seriously such a champion.
We took to having him board during family boarding and Anthon and I wandered around the airport keeping busy until the last minute to spend as little time in tiny airplane spaces as possible. When I say last minute, I mean--call our names over the loud speaker last minute...
haha. I didn't exactly communicate how long I'd wait to Matthew the first, he started to think I was somewhere in the airport in labor or something...
haha. Sorry, babe.
Arrived in Portland, and Grandma and Grandpa couldn't be happier.
Darla bought the movie Cars for Anthon. He was in HEAVEN. I'm not sure he'd ever seen it before..
This trip was the trip we discovered just how tender-hearted Anthon is. With the time-difference, he/we were up at 3AM every morning. One such morning, we watched some of the movie Homeward Bound. He started balling when Sally was caught in the water. I had to fast forward to the part where you see her dry and open-eyed, he was so, so frantic over it :(
Our little boy is seriously SO tender-hearted.
Grandma whipped out the 'ole slip and slide for us. Anthon's favorite part was finding the water puddles and drinking them.
Meet Anthon, master manipulator.
He repeatedly asked Grandpa Lyn to come over with him. When he did, Anthon walked over and sat in his chair.
Both Matthew's family and mine live within a 2 minute walk of a park.
Whenever we buy a house, I'd like to carry on this trend.
Shirt, compliments of Cathy Hall, my fabulous neighbor. Shorts and shoes, compliments of a thrift store in Oregon. There were sooo many sizes of the shoes for like $1.50. If we could go back, we would have bought them out. Heaven knows Anthon wouldn't have minded. He wore the HECK out of those things.
Grandma and the grandbabies
Lyn and his girls <3
fun in the church gym. I don't have many pictures/videos from it...but trust me, it was a hoot.
Anthon's face in this one! <3
Olive Garden for Madison's graduation. We bring cars everywhere we go and we know it'll be a success.
One of Anthon's favorite things in the world--holding dad's hand in the car.
I told Darla Anthon could have some cookie...
A rookie mistake...
I realized after turning around to see just what 'some cookie' looked like hahahaha
With uncle Jason <3
Darla reading the book she got Anthon to him. The first time I read it to him he had me read it four times in a row. LOVES it...
Barefoot, wheeled something in hand, dirt on his face. Yep. Looks like a happy boy!
Andd...a few from the beach. Darla has most of them of the rest of the gang, but here are a few of Anthon man...

This week, when I asked Anthon who was in this picture, his response was 'cars! two cars!'

Thoroughly tuckered out
Lyn seeing us off...

This week, when I asked Anthon who was in this picture, his response was 'cars! two cars!'

Thoroughly tuckered out
Lyn seeing us off...
sleepy boy...
And...onto Colorado..
who knew Anthon's curls would turn so beautiful in the Colorado dry? Not me! (insert heart smileyface emoticon not on this computer...)
homeboy loved watching out the windows at the airports, not surprisingly, he got more excited about the trucks he saw than the planes.
Our creature of habit...
Whatever couch, in whatever home, his perch for milk and reading before and after bed/nap times is on the far right, propped up with a pillow..
Sorry Disney,
THIS is the happiest place on earth.
Also, who doesn't look for an excuse to post a picture of themselves in swimgear while pregnant?
(cue sarcasm). But, it's a picture with all of us, so--I'll survive, for the sake of having one with all of those who were there for our trip.
Also, check out Brad's beard!
Kellie will love that I posted this one of her.
Also, she gifted me those pants.
Best sister EVER.
Not that I fit into them yet...
Three of my greatest loves. Matthew once said I talk to him like I talk to Shasta. Thankfully, he knew me well enough to take that as a compliment....
I don't really know what to say about that...
But it's pretty funny.
I do LOVE that dog.
However...via skype, the feelings aren't really reciprocated.
Being pregnant is a funny thing. You have pictures like me at Lafayette, where I'm like, wow--self, you are looking pregnant everywhereeeee. And then, you have pictures like this, where I'm like, hey, self--look at your belly! What a cute pregnant person we are.
Pregnancy, full of funny things, I tell you...

One of Anthon's newest favorite things: running his fingers through Matthew's hair while Matthew holds him.
Blanket: check
Bink: check
Happiness: check
And....back to our upstate home..
This month had lots of outdoors, a few good hikes, and, naturally, lots of fun..
I'm aware these next gazillion pictures are all from the same day...
but will you just LOOK at Anthon's face?
I can't NOT post a million...
A hot date with my mister..
But, seriously, how cute is he??
Oh! And I didn't realize until going through these pictures...
August involved a visit from Lyn and Darla to us here in New York as well!
As usual, we LOVED having them.
Best guests around, really!
We did an apple orchard with them while they were here. Anthon loved the Hay Maze and animals particularly :)
Matthew helping get some smile for a selfie with Grandma and Grandpa Lyn..
Anthon for some reason kept doing this at the park one day. It was cracking me up.
Lyn helped us haul away our Purple Mattress (finally). Thank GOODNESS for awesome return policies.
At the library..
Watching cars go over bumps were still one of Anthon's favorite things.
We'd just park the stroller by the bump and wait for cars.
The many excited faces of Anthon...
(or, a few of them, at least.. I think there were about five more faces in the folder I got these from on the computer... haha)
Someone was already ripe and ready for brotherhood! <3
He's smart enough to know it's only a doll...I'm not sure he'll be quite as willing to share those goldfish with Addie when she's old enough to eat them :P
Matthew met us at the park on his way home from work one day..
Anthon was ecstatic.
Just pretend the random man on the right is cropped out...
You call that driving?! What was he thinking!!
If you like pina coladas..
Anthon and Matthew's favorite park to go to together this month..
Picnic at the park. Some extremely flattering pictures of me.
Favorite things this month:
-hot dogs
-trucks (Oregon was magic for him. There were semis EVERYWHERE)
-anything car
-watching cars go over bumps
-bike rides
-sleeping with me (often out of necessity (for my sanity, that is) on trips
-staying on New York time no matter what state we're in or for how long :O
-his blanket
-his bink
-snuggling with mom
-singing songs on the floor after reading stories in the chair
-Movies (my phobia of technology addictions is still alive and he doesn't get to watch too much... but he LOVES it when he does)
-Aunt Madison
Not so favorite things:
-my fruit/veggie mixes he's always eaten so well :(
-bees (he's never been stung. Apparently, he just inherently knows!)
-sleeping in new places
September 17-October 17
Ha. Yeah. Not Happening.
You should have guessed that when I said I decided to include pictures...
...until next time!
Oh, wait! I can't write a post without a little something about Addie girl.
These pictures are from her first month, since we haven't uploaded to the computer since then...
sleepy smiles, from the both of us :)
Put 'em up.
(and Matthew, per his wonderful usual self, playing with Anthon man in the background :)
homegirl is SO alert for a newborn.
If it's not dark and she's being rocked/swayed, it's very unlikely she'll fall asleep.
Smudged mascara, tired faces. Looks about right :)
**Insert heart eye emoticon..
I LOVE this picture.
And it looks like I've still got room in there for her!
I've been fairly busy, but, after looking through her first month, one thing is clear---I need to take more pictures of Matthew with Addie :)
As far as current updates with little girl..
-she's found her thumb (she still has great difficulty repeating that, but that doesn't keep her from trying)
-lots of alert smiles
-lovessss sleeping on her tummy and honestly, can't really sleep well any other way, unless it's on another human being
-gets crazy air bubbles no matter what we do, so it's a lot of work helping her keep comfortable after feedings when she's got residual air/burps hidden
-loves facing out while she's awake
In short... (or long ;)
We LOVE our kiddos.
My husband amazes me and is SO incredibly helpful and hard-working.
I'm so grateful for these two bundles of joy, their growth and the fun it is to see them both grow, and just the knowledge that our little family is forever.