Classic Addie: 'Up!' She is ALL about people, people people. This month, she took to asking new people to pick her up. While at the library at a children's activity, she went up to the librarian leading a song in front of a big group of people and just stood in front of her like this, repeating that silly word, 'up' over and over again.
ALWAYS putting things in her mouth. Dirt, earrings, snow, crumbs, anything she finds on the ground. EVERYTHING. If she can't get small things that turn out to be bothersome off of her tongue, she enlists my help, which is what she's doing here.
I don't even know what this face is. But it's dang cute.
And the stuff in mouth continues...
And continues....
And continues...
She loves life. She loves doing anything and everything we or Anthon are doing (especially Anthon). We finally got her sleeping through the night this month. Well, almost. I still sometimes comes into her room if she wakes up crying and sing to her so she'll go back to sleep.
Her list of words includes (but isn't limited) to: up, bye, hi, bow(bowl), dog, dad, mom, Ahhh (anthon), bink, blanket, roll, bread, straw(strawberry), back (what she says whenever she wants something back), good (what she says when you ask how she's doing. It's adorable), Meh (milk), cheese (please)
-climbing everything
-putting everything in her mouth
-watching dogs and cats out our window
-making animal noises at any animals (or bugs) she sees and then trying to give them kisses
-putting on hats, gloves, and anything else she can to let me know she's ready to go outside (which she ALWAYS is)
-mimicking everything Anthon says or does
-being chased
-being tickled
-raisins, strawberries, broccoli, bread, cooked carrots
-going up and down the stairs (after three weeks, in our house, I finally feel like she's just about got the hang of them to where I'm not constantly in fear of her life).
-Reading. (still loves reading to herself, and being read to).
-having anything taken away from her
-sitting still for more than 15 seconds
-being held when she's decided she wants to walk
-eggs. I try and try again. Homegirl does not like eggs, regardless of how they're cooked.
New Things
-pretend play (to talk on the phone, to eat)
-zipping up her pajamas (she hates it if I don't let her do it)
-brushing her teeth up to the sink just like Anthon does (though she hates it. But, it involves staying still, so, obviously).
-playing chase with Anthon. (I LOVE that I'll be making lunch and they'll both disappear upstairs together--and then I hear their little feet pitter-pattering with accompanying giggles).
Homegirl has a zest for life that you'd never think could fit in her tiny, spunky body. She is spice, energy, and fun. She knows what she wants and always tries doing it herself before asking for help.