Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Addie Mae

The last four months have escaped me, as far as my blogging efforts go. However, this picture has given me cause to introduce you all to the go-getter, have-it-soer, happy, social baby crawling all over our house these days. 
This picture prompts SO much telling about miss Addie Mae. 

We'll start with the SPOON...
   -Addie physically CANNOT allow me to feed her rice cereal without grabbing onto the spoon herself. She likes to do things and touch things herself. It's the same when I give her vitamins or Tylenol. 
   -A pistol. Seriously, SUCH a pistol. Since she was four months, she has thrown little fits every time we take something away from her. Yes, as a four month old. There is no distracting or handing her something else right away. Homegirl KNOWS you just took that piece of crinkled paper out her hand, and she isn't going to forget any time soon that she was SET on eating it!
   -Have it so-er. Kind of goes along with the pistol thing--but, she just has ways that she wants and likes things. Things are totally in her own time. I try to feed her. She shows no interest. I wait fifteen minutes. Still no interest. I give her to Matthew to put down. He comes back out ten minutes later and Addie acts like she hasn't eaten in days and has a huge feeding. It's the same way with sleep. Homegirl knows what she wants and is in chargeeeee. hahahaha.... I can laugh now, because I'm not currently trying to put her down or feed her for the sixth time when I know she's actually hungry....
  -SO coordinated. Seriously. The other day, I knelt down to clean Anthon up after lunch. She proceeded to pick up his sippy cup with both hands, tip it back, and try to drink from it. My six month old. ha! 
   -HAS to have something in her hands and mouth at all times. Note the fact that one sock is missing--which is pretty much the case any time I put socks on her. They last for about a minute before she's taken at least one of them off and put it into her mouth. 
   -Is a mover and a do-er. She is ALL over the place. She has the army crawl down, but only uses it intermittently with her up-on-all-fours crawl. This makes for a brother putting his blankets and toys up on couches, tables, and anything else--that is, if he hasn't asked me to barricade him in so she can't get to him. 
   -HATES being confined. Carseat, bumbo, ERGO, stroller, you name it. If it's got straps, it's not for Adeline. Anytime I put her in the bumbo, she wriggles herself sideways and catty-whompus in her escape efforts less than two minutes later. She seriously HATES being confined. Her happy places are either on the floor crawling around, or on my hip (facing OUT). 

And, now her EYES...
   -Addie has been alert since day one. Always watching people and following the party. She is ALL About people, light, and what's going on. We actually have to go in the bathroom to rock her to sleep, because if you keep her in the bedroom, her eyes and head stay fixed on the illuminated bedroom door back out to where she knows everyone is having fun. If there's ever a time we toss in the towel on putting her down, by the time we've opened the bedroom door, she has either started laughing, or has the huge open-mouthed grin spread across her face before the light even hits her face. 
   -She is SO stinking happy. Seriously, without fail, the first thing people say to me when they meet her--'She's so HAPPY!' And, she is. The first thing she does when she meets someone new and they make eye contact with her is to smile a fatty wide-open-mouthed grin. The first thing I see every time I go in to get her after a nap, is her adorable head, poked just above her bumper, with that same adorable wide-open-mouthed grin, just ready and SO excited to see me. She is SO social, and so happy. Honestly. If Addie has eye contact with someone, it's a safe bet so say she is also smiling. 

And...some other thoughts... 

   -I can say this, but you won't believe me. No picture we ever take of Addie is as cute as she is. With Anthon's baby pictures, I felt like I took a picture, looked at it, and it was every bit as cute as he was. With Addie, it is so not the case. One might argue I just say that because I'm her mom.... But her dad, aunt, and grandma are all with me on this one. Don't ask me why. But, is it really a surprise, hearing how adorable the whole of 'Addie' is? She is a GEM. 

Anywho...this post is far from conveying the 'the whole of 'Addie'', but, alas, it's as close as I can come tonight. Hopefully it gives you a small idea of the joy this happy, determined, little burst of sunshine blasts throughout our apartment on a daily basis. 

In Other News/Developments....
   --Our first TOOTH sighting was today. Actually, TEETH--as her bottom two have both officially broken through. The one on our left appears to be farther along though, so maybe it snuck through yesterday. Also, she's sitting up now.

Month Two, With Two...

Alrighty....Month Two with Two...

I'll give the highlights, some thoughts/tidbits, and then let the pictures do most of the talking

This picture pretty much sums up month two for Adeline--sleepinggggg, being held, snuggieeee...

-being held
-sleeping on her tummy
-big smiles mid conversations with her
-every other day kind of nap schedule (naps tons one day, virtually none the next)
-sleeping 8 and 9 hour stents at night

-laying on her back. HATES it and only lasts for about forty seconds.
-baths. Okay, she likes it for like a minute. But then, she is SO done.
-being laid down to sleep before she is completely out

 haha. This very classy, very adorable outfit is evidence of the fact that we didn't have very many newborn sized clothes for Addie... haha. And then when we did buy more, she had already outgrown them. So...we pretty much spent the month in snuggies. But, really....even if we'd had newborn clothes, I'm pretty sure that still would have been the case. One zipper? Hello! Yes please!

And, in summary of Anthon's month, this picture. Basically, to say that he was SUPER CHILD. Like, seriously. Addie basically needed to be held at all times, and he just rolled with it. For his naptimes, if she was awake, he would sit on the couch or a chair and turn the pages while I (or he) read to him as I stood and rocked Addie. If his being put down were interrupted by the sound of Addie crying, he would take the book in my lap, put it on his lap, point, and say, 'bebe'. Honestly. He amazed me more every day. He also magically developed an ability to entertain himself, which he's never had. TOTAL tender mercy of the Lord.

-apple jacks
-bringing car after car after car and lining them up next to me while I nurse Addie....
-call me calmly from his bedroom when he wakes up, 'mom. mom. mom. mommmmm.'
-Toys R' Us (the car aisles)
-singing Happy Birthday (it was his birthday this month)
-playing hide and go seek (and telling us where he's hiding)