Monday, September 1, 2014

And so begins week 30 :)

Yes siree--our little guy is growing and growing; we sure do love him!

As far as pregnancy goes, we keep waiting for me to go crazy or for things to get insanely uncomfortable. I've been very blessed to have minimal side effects (i.e. morning sickness, soreness, etc...) The worst of it is back pain after long days at work. Which, really, everybody can get.

Well, I guess I take that back; sleeping has gotten harder and harder. And, when I don't sleep--the mister also doesn't sleep, sadly enough. So, we wake up some mornings not very well rested.

But, really, that's the worst of it; we've been super blessed. 

A few weeks back, we were able to take a trip to Oregon to visit Matthew's family. That sweetheart of mine was so thoughtful to ask me regularly during the drive--"you sure you don't need to stop?", and, "you doing okay?" 

Matthew drove the ENTIRE way (there and back). For those of you who don't know this about me....I sleep in cars. Like, marathon sleep. haha, for this reason, I may not be the best person to roadtrip with. My mom used to joke with me, because, literally, we would drive to the grocery store (which was about two minutes from our house), and I could be out cold by the time we pulled into the parking lot. are a few gems from our trip. We went hiking in Silver Falls (GORGEOUS, by the way), went camping with Matthew's family, had some AWESOME finds thrifting with Matthew's mom, and just enjoyed time hanging out at the house with family, playing games and watching movies. Here are a few pictures from the trip...

I actually saved this picture on my computer as hunky.jpg. haha. I suppose the view isn't bad either. Seriously, the hike was GORGEOUS.

I mean, right? On my first visit to Oregon, way back when, I commented to Matthew (on another hike), "seriously--even your rocks are pretty!" Which, is actually true--because they're covered in this deep green color of moss that looks awesome. . . 

On the camping trip, which was uber fun. Tin foils dinners, uno, rock stacking, campfire, chit-chatting, and berry picking. . . . 

Matthew never understood why I pay so much for fruits and berries when he grew up picking them for free in Oregon. I didn't really understand this until I saw our campsite, which was COMPLETELY surrounded by blackberries. MMMMM! 

Lyn, Hailey, Matthew, and I's rock city.

Hunky husband again, only, this time, with a sophisticated look of concentration on his face. This rock stacking is serious business, people :)

Don't fret--they're aiming to hit that little island rock, rather than some unsuspecting animal :)

A street sign we felt the need flip the car around for and take a picture of.

ha, Matthew and I went through some of his old boxes of schoolwork and memorabilia. 
He didn't grow up in a liberal state at all; ha! I about died when I saw this.


  1. Such a fun trip!
    Love the prego picture at the top.
    The real question is.... how many pictures did you take before you decided on that one?
    cause lets be real. its on point.
    love you sis!

  2. Hey Jamie! I was thinking of you recently and fell upon your blog; I love it!

    If it helps at all, this maternity body pillow saved me when I was pregnant--perhaps, if you are willing to make the investment, it will help you sleep better, too. Here's a link to the one I have...and it's even on sale!
