Friday, January 16, 2015

First Flights and House Hunting

Well, world, we made it to New York! Matthew is doing great at his new job and I am loving having him home around 4PM every day.

We flew here on December 29th, so--if you're curious, Anthon was 6 weeks old in them. Everyone we talked to in the airport was convinced he had to be two or three months old. The flight over was super easy, thanks to our angel baby. We made sure to nurse during take-offs and landings so his ears didn't pop, and he slept the rest of the way. I mean--the entire rest of the way. Everyone complimented us on how awesome he was. The credit went to the right place, since we had worked so hard to teach him proper plane etiquette. Oh, wait. . . .  :)

That boy is an angel all on his very own. In case you didn't see them on facebook or Instagram, here are a few pictures from our trek over. We had an hour layover in Chicago.

Out cold while Matthew held him for me to get situated

What he looked like most of the time, snuggled up with me :)

The view as we were landing

The first thing we saw as we were driving out from the airport was the Albany Hockey Facility. Yep--we're not in Kansas anymore!  

Matthew's company has put us up in temporary housing for our first little bit here. We had a week of being in New York to house hunt before Matthew started work, which was really nice. By house hunt, I mean apartment hunt--but it doesn't roll off the tongue as nicely. 

Here's a picture of our little mister pre-house hunt
Couldn't you just EAT him up??


hehehe. He was sure tuckered out after a long day of in and out of the car to look at apartments. We ended up (not on our first day of looking, naturally), finding an apartment we love. Matthew and Anthon both win patience awards, since it took three walk-throughs/return visits and one extra return visit for "us" to finally decide on one. They are too good to me :)'s all worth it in the end, because we have an awesome apartment!

New York has been good to us since then. Matthew has been adjusting well to his job, and the little Mister and I hang out together at home during the day. It is SUCH a nice change to have Matthew getting home in the early afternoons, especially after so long of him working late nights. I need to record a video of Anthon and Matthew's daily first post-work interaction; Anthon gets SO excited to see him and it is the cutest thing you will ever see. 

I have loved being home with Anthon and I just love being a mom. The first few weeks after he was born were exhausting, just with all of the adjusting and him being up so much at night. Now that he's a little older, we both get more sleep at night. I have loved 
        • giving him baths
        • sitting and talking to him
        • learning to "read" his cries and learn how he communicates
        • his big grins and his eyes lighting up as I talk to him
        • talking back and forth as he gets more and more interactive
        • getting up to be with him, even in the middle of the night
It's funny, actually. Sometimes he's awake and fussy--you work SO hard to help them go to sleep. But, once they are and stay asleep for awhile, you just miss them so much!!! Last night, he slept for 5 hours straight (yes--and he's done more. Again, angel baby), but, I found myself laying in bed wanting him to wake up just because I was missing him. Motherhood is so funny. I love it. 

This is one of my favorite outfits on him. This boy is all torso, like his mama.

Here's a picture I took on the day he "turned" 8 weeks old. I think this was his second to last day in  newborn sized clothing; as you can see, he has grown too big for them.. 
Crazy, right?? 

I've found that I rarely get a picture without a blurry bodypart; this boy likes to wiggle, kick, and just move all around :) 

Anthon's first day at church. haha, I just set him down for a second to pack the diaper bag up and I couldn't not take a picture after looking at him. We made it through first hour, and then spent the majority of church in the mother's room. Not because he was fussy, but hungry. Again, angel baby. 

We are healthy, happy, and loving life.
I have the best husband in the whole wide world and we have the best baby.