Saturday, June 7, 2014


To give you some background on the individuals involved in this story (particularly Matthew's Grandma, I will start with a picture and story)
As a side note: I promise, Grandma Barbara was much happier than she looks in this picture to be spending time with us. haha. She wasn't, however, thrilled at the idea of taking a picture. 

For those of you who aren't aware, we are currently renting one of their houses from them while we are in the in-between stages of job and real life. But, it's given us the chance to get to know them, which has been so fun.

My favorite experience with Barbara, I think, was at a bridal shower. You know those Pinterest, cutesy game ideas you find? Well, in this particular game, you are meant to write a date for the soon-to-be couple on a popsicle stick--and it's a "bag of ideas", if you will, for them to have later.
So, what do most people write? Oh, you know--roller skating, bike riding, movie night, hiking, bowling... the generics.

I look over at Barbara, who is sitting next to me. She looks at me with a half-grin, and says, "should I put "make babies"?"

Without waiting for a response, she chuckles, grabs a pen, and writes her mentioned date suggestion.

She is one of those hilarious people that doesn't make a big fuss about how hilarious she is, and it makes her all the funnier.

I. love. her.

Alright, so--onto story numbero dos... 

I thought it was just Matthew who called these here doo-hickeys you can put on the front of cars"bras"; in fact, I thought he did it as a joke.

I have come to find, much to my surprise, that this is just what everyone calls them. Ironic, but I won't go into it as to why here...

Anyways, funny story. We are pulling in from an outing with Grandma and Grandpa, when the following conversation took place.

Matthew: Hey, did you put the bra back on the car after you washed it?

Me: No

Barbara (nonchalantly, from the front seat): That's probably best. Everybody needs a little down time every now and then.

I'm sure am going to miss that woman when we move. 

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