Sunday, June 29, 2014

Happy Six Months to US!

Okay people, that's right! A whopping six months have gone by since our big day. Can you believe it? I most certainly can, and I LOVE it :) When I first went to find a picture (please note the SINGULAR--picture--rather than pictureS), I planned on finding just the right one. You know, the one that would make this blog entry classy, simple, and telling. And then this happened. . . 

Really. Would YOU have been able to pick just one? 
. . . . . . 
Don't answer that. 

The point is....six months have gone by--and I am still just loving this boy to death and back. Has the first sixth months been an adjustment period? Sure :) But, I mean--look at that face. There's no one else I'd rather be adjusting with.

Happy Six Months to US :) 

P.S. Shoutout to my amazing cousin Alicia Powell for the pictures. And to my parents, for paying for them ;)

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